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Are you eligible for the New Open Resident visa?

Immigration NZ and the government have finally looked globally and have mooted a solution, which is guaranteed to bring smiles and fist pumps to a lot of migrants in New Zealand

So what is it and how do you know if you are eligible, so here goes

  1. You must have been in NZ on 29th Sept. 2021 &

  2. You should be on an eligible visa or have applied for an eligible visa before 29th Sept that is later granted.

Simple so far, I believe. Further you must meet one of the following 3 criteria

a) Have lived in NZ for 3 or more than 3 years OR b) Earn at or above $27 per hour. OR c) Work in a scarce list

So whats an "Eligible visas"

All applicants must have been on (or have applied for and later granted) one of the following visas on the 29th Sept. 2021

  • Post Study Work Visa

  • Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa

  • Essential Skills Work Visa

  • Religious Worker Work Visa

  • Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa

  • Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa

  • Silver Fern Practical Experience Work Visa

  • Trafficking Victim Work Visa

  • Migrant Exploitation Protection Work Visa

  • Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Work Visa

  • Victims of Family Violence Work Visa

  • South Island Contribution Work Visa

  • Work Visa granted under Section 61 (provided the applicant held another eligible visa type within 6 months before being granted a Section 61 visa)

  • Some Critical Purpose Visitor Visas (CPVV):

    • Critical health workers for longer term roles (6 months or longer), and

    • Other critical workers for long term roles (more than 6 months).

Partners and dependent children, including those currently outside New Zealand, can be included in residence applications.

Unfortunately Short-term visa holders are not eligible,

Such as visitors, students, working holiday makers, and seasonal workers like those on the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme or those who enter as short-term critical workers.


  1. All applicants must meet the heath and character requirements for the 2021 Resident Visa.

  2. Overseas police certificates will not be required unless specifically requested by an Immigration Officer. Limited medical certificates and chest x-ray certificates may be required for some people. Immigration New Zealand may request further information as part of the application process.

Talk to us today for more on this, or to help you apply.

How do you check if you have lived here for 3 years?

To be eligible under this criteria, you must have lived in New Zealand for the past three or more years and

  • have arrived in New Zealand on or before 29 September 2018, and

  • have spent a minimum of 821 days in New Zealand between 29 September 2018 and 29 September 2021 (inclusive).

The time spent in New Zealand does not need to be consecutive. There is no minimum amount within a calendar year.

Applicants earning at or above the median wage

To be eligible under this criteria, you must be paid the median wage of NZD $27 per hour or above on 29 September 2021.

Whats the scarce list ?

To be eligible under this criteria, on 29 September 2021 you must work in a job that is on a scarce list. These are:

Keen to know more , and want to Apply. Talk to us now

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